Counselling and Psychotherapy – Wimbledon Dr. Maura Abdelall CPsychol

General Data Protection Regulations

What is done with the information?
Any information of you held by me, including: telephone number, email, home address, GP information, session notes and session tapes are all kept confidential and stored on electronic devices with secure passwords and in filing cabinets locked with a key. This information is kept for the duration of the therapy treatment and will be destroyed within 6 months of ending treatment.

Who the information will be shared with?
At no point during, or after therapy, will you be contacted with advertising from me or third parties with advertising or for any other reason.
Information, including: telephone number, email, home address, GP information is only known to me. Information about your presenting problem(s) and session tapes may be shared with a clinical supervisor to ensure best clinical practice is maintained.
In the event you present a risk to yourself or to others, information may need to be shared with third parties, such as the police or other healthcare professionals. In these instances I will endeavour to speak to you first and whenever possible to gain your consent.

Exceptions to confidentiality
There are some situations that may arise where confidentiality rules can be broken, and may also involve passing on some of your personal information to third parties. Although these situations are rare, you should be made aware of what they are:

1. If during a session you threaten to harm another person, as your therapist I am required by law to protect you and anyone I feel may be in danger. In some cases this could mean notifying the hospital or police.
2. If during a session you threaten to cause severe harm to yourself, and I believe your threat to be serious, then I am ethically required to protect you. In situations such as these, interventions may involve talking to you about contacting your GP or going to a hospital. I may also need to call a crisis team or, in some cases, the police.
3. If any child, elderly person, or incompetent person is at risk from abuse or neglect, the law requires me to report this to the appropriate body. Laws such as these are in force to protect any dependable persons from being physically hurt.

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